
A compact paper airplane that glides quickly across the room.

Mosquito Thumbnail


A compact paper airplane that glides quickly across the room.

This paper airplane design has a thick blunt nose that makes it very durable. It won't get bent up as easily when it bumps into an obstacle.

Folding Difficulty Medium difficulty Number of Folds 12 folds Paper Sizes Letter & A4 Paper Hashtags Distance Hashtags Time aloft Distance Flown 36.8 ft / 11.2 m
Explaination of Distance Flown Average Distance
Thrown by a 10yr old
Time Aloft 1.8 sec
Explaination of Time Aloft Average Time Aloft
Thrown by a 10yr old
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Paper Airplane Airplane Folding Instructions

Step 1

1. Fold the paper in half and then unfold.

Step 2

2. Fold the right side over to the left, unfold and repeat with the left side.

Step 3

3. Unfold again and then fold the right side down to the diagonal crease.

Step 4

4. Repeat with the left side.

Step 5

5. Fold the top down to the bottom.

Step 6

6. Fold the top edge down as shown, about 3cm.

Step 7

7. Fold the point back up.

Step 8

8. Now, fold both sides in.

Step 9

9. Fold both sides in again.

Step 10

10. Next, fold the top point back down.

Step 11

11. Fold the entire airplane in half, away from you.

Step 12

12. Finally, fold out both wings so that the body is fairly short.

Final Paper Airplane Design Mosquito

Give the wings an upward dihedral angle to improve stability and use a small bit of tape to hold that angle. Bend the tail flaps up just slightly and carefully adjust them to get the airplane to fly straight and level.

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